Welcome to the Sermon Archives!
Thank you for your interest in the Preached Word of God. Below is a collection of sermons from church services in small, country churches. Though few in number, the Spirit of the Lord is abundantly present. As such, every sermon is back by the Holy Ghost, and if it were not so, I would hope I would never post it! May this resource enrich your walk with the Lord.
Disclaimer--These sermons are recorded from the pew, so please understand that there will be background noises like coughing, opening candy wrappers, etc. If you would like a copy of any of the messages, please go to my contact page to make your request.
New Year's Eve Watch Service
January 2014 January 5th - Bro Jerry Harris January 5th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Book of Life" January 5th - Bro Eric Beaty January 12th - Bro Jerry Harris January 16th - Bro Randy Bilbrey January 19th - Bro Eric Beaty "Undisputed Heavyweight Campion of the World" February 2014 February 9th - Bro Eric Beaty "The Spirit of Adoption" February 16th - Bro Eric Beaty "Mephibosheth" February 16th - Bro Jerry Harris March 2014 March 9th - Bro Eric Beaty "Elisha's Double Portion" March 16th - Bro Jerry Harry "The Everlasting Gospel" March 9th - Bro Eric Beaty "Keep Going 'Round Jericho" March 30th - Bro Jerry Harris "God Rewards Those Who Diligently Seek Him" April 2014 April 3rd - Bro Jerry Harris April 6th - Bro Eric Beaty "No Substitute" April 10th - Bro Randy Bilbrey "All Shall Be Judged" April 13th - Bro Eric Beaty "The Woman With the Alabaster Box" April 27th - Bro Jerry Harris "John's Prophecy" April 29th - Bro Eric Beaty "God Is Precious" May 2014 May 4th - Bro Eric Beaty "Jesus Our Rewarder" May 18th - Bro Jerry Harris May 20th - Bro Randy Bilbrey May 25th - Bro Jerry Harris "What Does God Expect?" May 29th - Bro Michael Almonrode "The Prodigal Son" |
June 2014
June 15th - Bro Jerry Harris "Jesus Our Friend" June 15th - Bro Eric Beaty "God's Grace Is Sufficient" June 22nd - Bro Jerry Harris "Our Joy" June 22nd - Bro Eric Beaty "Seek Righteousness" June 29th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Fire Within" July 2014 July 4th - Bro Michael Almonrode "Paul's Conversion" July 13th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Unction" July 16th - Bro Eric Beaty "The Spirit Is Willing But the Flesh Is Weak" July 20th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Christian Mindset" July 27th - Bro Jerry Harris "Psalm 23" (mini-sermon) July 27th - Bro Randy Bilbrey "I Am" August 2014 August 3rd - Bro Jerry Harris "The Purity of Christ" August 3rd - Bro Eric Beaty "Heaven's Grocery Store" August 10th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Promise of the Holy Ghost" August 24th - Bro Jerry Harris "Do Not Be Distracted from the Word" August 31st - Bro Eric Beaty "Hold Fast" September 2014 September 7th - Bro Jerry Harris "Galatians 11" September 28th - Bro Eric Beaty "How to Respond to the Times" October 2014 October 12th - Bro Randy Bilbrey "What Is Needful" December 2014 December 12th - Bro Michael Almonrode "Jesus Is First" December 28th - Bro Randy Bilbrey "The Lord's Names" |