Welcome to the Sermon Archives!
Thank you for your interest in the Preached Word of God. Below is a collection of sermons from church services in small, country churches. Though few in number, the Spirit of the Lord is abundantly present. As such, every sermon is back by the Holy Ghost, and if it were not so, I would hope I would never post it! May this resource enrich your walk with the Lord.
Disclaimer--These sermons were originally recorded for private use. After receiving permission from each preacher, they are now available for your enjoyment. They are recorded from the pew, so please understand that there will be background noises like coughing, opening candy wrappers, etc. If you would like a copy of any of the messages, please go to my contact page to make your request.
New Year's Eve Watch Service
January 2015 January 4th - Bro Jerry Harris "There Is A Time" January 11th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Midnight Cry" January 11th - Bro Eric Beaty "The Answer Is in the Sanctuary" January 29th - Bro Ed Shaver "Where Has the Glory Gone?" February 2015 February 1st - Bro Jerry Harris "Our Hope In The Next Life" February 8th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Everlasting Gospel" February 8th - Bro Eric Beaty "Working on a Building" February 15th - Bro Jerry Harris "Enduring" March 2015 March 1st - Bro Jerry Harris "Faith Without Works Is Dead" March 1st - Bro Eric Beaty "The Groaning of Mortality" March 8th - Bro Jerry Harris "Work Your Talent" March 8th - Bro Eric Beaty "A Certain Rate Everyday" March 11th - Bro Eric Beaty "The Overburdened Christian" March 15th - Bro Stanley Anderson "Trust In the Lord" March 15th - Bro Jerry Harris "Dig for One More Year" March 18th - Bro Eric Beaty "Contend for the Faith" March 22nd - Bro Jerry Harris "The Mixed Multitude" March 25th - Bro Eric Beaty "By the Marks" March 29th - Bro Jerry Harris April 2015 Revival April 6th - Bro Eric Beaty "Jesus Says, 'Come'" April 8th - Bro Eric Beaty "God Is Light" April 10th - Bro Eric Beaty "Live By Faith" April 2015 April 1st - Joe Lee "Getting Full from the Spirit" April 5th - Easter Sunrise Service April 5th - Bro Jerry Harris "Jesus Is Passing By" April 12th - Bro Jerry Harris "Don't Sit Still and Die" April 12th - Bro Michael Almonrode April 19th - Bro Jerry Harris "Jesus Will Come to Us" April 19th - Bro Joe Lee "Listening" April 22nd - Bro Eric Beaty "Long-Term Vision" April 26th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Open Door" May 2015 May 3rd - Bro JB Harris "God's Fish Net" May 3rd - Bro Jerry Harris "The Trying of Your Faith" May 6th - Bro Randy Bilbrey "The Blessings of God" May 10th - Bro Eric Beaty "Consider the Lilies" May 13th - Bro Joe Lee "Self-Control" May 17th - Bro John Harris "Encourage One Another" May 17th - Bro Joe Lee's Testimony May 20th - Bro Eric Beaty "The Word Is Profitable" May 27th - Bro Randy Bilbrey "Perilous Times" May 31st - Bro Jerry Harris "Instruments of God" May 31st - Bro John Harris "A Closer Walk With God" June 2015 June 3rd - Evangelist Kenneth Burris "Jesus Is Coming Soon" June 7th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Holiness Road" Isaiah 53:8 June 7th - Bro Eric Beaty "A Clean Heart" June 10th - Bro Joe Lee "Blessed Are the Peacemakers" June 14th - Bro Jerry Harris "God Asks, 'Where Art Thou?'" June 17th - Bro Ed Shaver "A Time With the King" June 21st - Bro Jerry Harris "The Four Ships" June 21st - Bro Joe Lee "God's Creation" June 24th - Bro Tim Beaty "Guilt" June 28th - Bro Jerry Harris "No Man Layeth It to Heart" |
July 2015
July 1st - Bro Eric Beaty "Independence Day" July 6th - Evangelist Howard Dailey "Has the Nation Changed Its God?" July 7th - Evangelist Howard Dailey "Power of God" July 8th - Bro Derek Parsons "Who Is Jesus?" July 12th - Bro Jerry Harris "God Cleaned Up Heaven" July 12th - Bro Eric Beaty "A Willing Vessel for God" July 15th - Bro Jerry Harris "What Is Your Fruit?" July 19th - Bro Jerry Harris "Ye Must Be Born Again" July 19th - Bro John Harris "The Bread of Life" August 2015 August 2nd - Bro Eric Beaty "Magnify the Lord Today" August 2nd - Bro Eric Beaty "His Mercy Endureth Forever" August 5th - Bro Rick Tinch "The Holy Spirit" August 9th - Bro Jason Bryant "Death Must Flee" August 9th - Bro Eric Beaty "Worse Things" August 12th - Bro John Harris "Building for God" August 13th - Bro Randy Bilbrey "A New Heart" August 14th - Bro Terry Bryant "Don't Take This Life for Granted" August 14th - Bro Jerry Harris "Finishing the Work" August 23rd - Bro Jerry Harris "The Word Is for You" August 26th - Bro Eric Beaty "Wickedness Abounds" August 30th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Sin that So Easily Besets Us" September 2015 September 6th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Wheat and the Tares" September 6th - Bro Eric Beaty "Farther Along" September 9th - Bro Joe Lee "Worthy" September 16th - Bro Ed Shaver "Tear Down the Wall" September 20th - Bro Jerry Harris "The Judgment of the Church" September 20th - Bro Joe Lee "Study the Word" September 23rd - Bro Jerry Harris "Trust and Obey" September 27th - Bro Eric Beaty "Identity Crisis" September 30th - Bro Randy Bilbrey "When I Would Do Good" October 2015 October 8th - Bro Billy Durham "There's Help If You Want It" October 9th - Bro Billy Durham "He Will Supply" October 18th - Bro Eric Beaty "God Is Searching" October 18th - Bro Eric Beaty "God Wants You" October 25th - Bro George Sears "Things Not To Be Shaken" November 2015 November 1st - Bro Jerry Harris "The Unseen Guest" November 1st - Bro Eric Beaty "Follow Me" November 8th - Bro Caleb Bryant "The Power of Prayer" November 8th - Bro Eric Beaty "Eternal Purpose" November 11th - Bro Joe Lee "God's Table" November 15th - Bro Jerry Harris "Luke 24:47" November 22nd - Bro Jerry Harris "Give God Glory" November 29th - Bro Jerry Harris "Only through the Cross" November 29th - Bro Caleb Bryant "Hoping and Waiting on the Lord" December 2015 December 6th - Bro Jerry Harris "Christmas Part 1" December 6th - Bro Jerry Harris "Christmas Part 2" December 9th - Bro Rick Tinch "God's Power" December 13th - Bro Jerry Harris "Christmas Part 3" December 13th - Bro Eric Beaty "It Wasn't His Child" December 20th - Bro Jerry Harris "Christmas Part 4" December 20th - Bro Eric Beaty "Far Above All Principality and Power" December 27th - Bro Jerry Harris "A Hard Saying" December 27th - Bro Jerry Harris "Two Ways" |