In today's lesson, the Scriptures sing praise to God for what He will do in the future. Isaiah Chapter 12 Lessons from the textA Cause for Praise This entire chapter is a praise describing the good that God will do for Israel. It also applies to you and me. When we trust Jesus as our Lord, then God becomes our salvation. We no longer have to be afraid. Instead of being under the wrath and judgment of God, we are comforted. With joy we can now go to God in prayer. With gladness, we can sing praises to God for the good He has done and will do to us. After all, we get to inherit the New Jerusalem with Jesus Himself! Declare His Doings Because of the wondrous works He has done, God has become our salvation. That act alone is cause to shout His glory from the rooftops! But He has done so much more. He did not just set us free from sin, He Himself is now living for us. The All-Mighty, the Creator of the universe is waiting to serve you! He is going to remake creation to give us a home free from sin. He is going to erase all cause for worry and fear. He sent His Spirit to live inside of us to help us every day. Why would you not want to proclaim what God has done for you? Don't be afraid to witness. Let the Spirit inside of you speak when He leads you to speak (Mt 10:18-20). Follow His leadership in how to worship and testify to others, even if you are at church, home, work, or even in the car. Your faith is not something locked in a closet at home; it is the living God of Creation who is with you right now and who will one day rule the earth in righteousness and truth. The world knows this. Every person is given a small measure of faith (Rom 12:3) and the Creation itself demonstrates the glory of God (Rom 1:20). So, don't be afraid to rejoice in the Lord. After all, that smile you wear might be the one thing that makes your co-worker desire to have Christ in his/her life. ___________________ Continue reading for in-depth commentary or comment below to let us know what you got out of today's Scripture. ___________________ Verse by Verse Commentary1 Picking up directly from chapter 11, God declares that Israel will rejoice. Although God will punish, they will then be comforted and no longer under the wrath of God. 2 Instead of a source of punishment, God is now their salvation. Noteworthy is the fact that it does not say that Israel will change. Instead, God will gather them; God will comfort them; God will rule them. Salvation is not based on what they do, but on God. 3 Moved from condemnation into favor, Israel can now come with joy to draw strength from God. 4-6 This wondrous work of salvation is cause to shout and proclaim the work. These verses, actually the whole chapter, can be taken two ways: the literal redemption of Israel from all the nations and the spiritual redemption through Jesus Christ. When a person accepts Jesus, then God's anger is turned away, God becomes that person's salvation, and that person is filled with joy and a desire to proclaim God's work in his/her life. ___________________ Please comment below to tell us what you learned from today's lesson.
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