Luke 16:1-13
“If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is not your own?”
Christ teaches us to be faithful stewards. He warns that if we cannot be faithful with what God has given us on earth, how can we be faithful with given heavenly things?
God is interested in how you manage your finances, your time, and any other resources you have. God has made every material that man could possibly transform into money or a material good. Since everyone we possess belongs to God, we are merely stewards of God’s creation. In the garden of Eden, God told Adam and Eve to tend the creation. After death, someone else inherits the goods. This is what Scripture means when it says that we are stewards. How, then, are we to look after the goods that God has given us? The parable of the unjust steward shows us that we are to handle the goods wisely. We are not to waste what God has given us. Neither are we to hoard up riches. We are to wisely distribute it by learning how others have used their good. The “others” referred to is quite fascinating, for Jesus teaches us to watch how those who have made money their god to learn how to use money wisely while also warning not to become like them. I believe Jesus is saying that we are to learn how to spend wisely without becoming obsessed with riches. Further, we are not to put our trust in riches. While our monies help us here on earth, they have no place in eternity. Whatever we gain on this earth will simply go to another when we die; we cannot take it into death, so do not trust your money to deliver you from death or sin. In an interesting way, this world is a training ground. God lends us money, time, and resources to see if we can learn how to manage them in a wise way that brings about good for ourselves and others. If we can do so, then He knows that He can trust us with tasks and responsibilities in the eternal kingdom.
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