Matthew 12:38-40
“An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign”
Is your heart so hardened that you have to have a sign from God to believe Him? Jesus is warning that if we need to see signs and wonders to believe in God, then something is wrong. We have not learned to take God at His word.
Faith is the substance of things not yet seen. If we need to see signs to believe, then it is no longer faith. Our culture demands proof. The scientific revolution has convinced us that if it is true, then there must be a way to proof it through empirical means. This just is not the case. There are many things in life that we know exist but we cannot prove with empirical means. If you believe you have a soul, you have no way of proving it. You cannot point to your soul and say, “There it is.” When God tells you that your family will be saved, are you going to wait until you see them saved to believe God told you the truth? Do you think that God would answer your prayer if you did not believe it would happen? When God speaks to you, do you scoff at Him? Do you want to believe but are hesitant to do so? Faith is simple. Despite your doubts, despite all the objections that enter your mind, just believe that what God says is true. This is the very core of faith. Even if it does not make sense to you or is not what you are expecting, you believe God because you know that He would never lie to you. Take God at His word. Believe in Him, and watch His power work in your life.
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