dangerous territory with the potential of a nuclear Iran. The instability of the Middle East has now become a European problem with the mass immigration of refugees, all coupled with Europe’s own internal problems. Historic court cases are being decided by the Unites State’s Supreme Court, adding to growing civil unrest in America. Church attendance in doctrinally traditional churches continues to plummet while megachurches that veer from Biblical teachings are steadily growing. Less and less people associate themselves as being religious but more and more as spiritual, stating that they know God without needing any formality of a religion or a church. Are all of these adding up to something? Several Bible teachers, such as John Hagee, Perry Stone, and Irvin Baxter, have explored today’s events as they relate to end-time prophecy. That is, they have strong suspicions that what we are seeing in our life time is the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and therefore points us to the imminent coming of Christ, or something really, really big. Whether than spend time trying to analyze their analysis (and you could spend hours to only skim the surface of the information currently available), there is really only one needful question to be answered: does it matter to me? Such a question may sound selfish, but follow along for just a moment. Suppose that the predictions are false, that the final tetrad (final blood moon) in September is not a cosmic sign that something big is about to happen to Israel and maybe even signifies the beginning of the fulfillment of the book of Revelation. Does it affect may way of life at all? Actually, no. I will not be surprised if the predictions are false because Scripture is very clear that no human can predict, or know, the time of the end. Even Jesus does not know the hour; only God the Father knows exactly when the end will come (Mt. 24:36). However, I am supposed to live my life with an awareness that today may be my last day. Just as no human can no when the end of the world is, so, too, can no human know the hour of death. I am not promised tomorrow because I could die today (Jm. 4:13-14). I have to be aware that I could die today, but I still plan my week, prepare for work tomorrow, and cook food for my family just as I always do. Now, suppose that these predictions are correct. The world is going to end, the Great Tribulation is going to begin, or the rapture is going to happen on this last blood moon. Does this knowledge change how I am supposed to live my daily life? No. I am still to live life to the fullest, taking care of my family, witnessing as opportunity allows, and earning my wages (II Thes. 3:10-12, I Tim. 5:8). I am not to sit on my hands and do nothing while I wait for Jesus to appear. Better yet, I am not to give up everything to witness to as many people as I can before it is too late; the wicked have rejected the testimony of the Scriptures, and I am to let them alone as if the world will continue forever (Rev. 22:10-11). And even if I know that this month is the last month of the earth, how do I know that today is not my last day? What if I die in a car wreck today? What if a brown recluse bits me in my sleep? These questions prove that, once again, I need to be aware that today could be my last day on earth, but I still plan for the rest of my life as if it will continue for the remainder of the month. Back to the original question, does it matter to me if the predictions are true or false? No. What, then, matters? That I continue to strive to live my life in such a way that when I meet the Lord, whenever it is, I am ready. You see, it really doesn’t matter to me if the end of the world is tonight or three million years from now. I am ready to meet Jesus. In my experiences, people panic at the thought of their life coming to an end because they are not ready to die. The thought of meeting Jesus face to face terrifies them because deep down, they wonder if He will be pleased with their lives. So, I give you a challenge. Picture the following scene: you, standing before Jesus, and you have just died. The perfect Lamb of God is right before you. Are you happy to see Him? Consider your emotional response. Take the time to look inward and see if you really are ready to meet Jesus. And if you are ready, then you can meet September 2015 with gladness regardless of whether or not it is the last month of your life here on earth.
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AuthorMelissa Beaty. Writer, Sunday School Teacher, and Born-Again Believer. Archives
June 2024
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